Helping Jewish families in New York and nationwide bury their deceased loved ones in peace.
Most people are not really aware of the potential problems they may encounter even if they have some funeral arrangements and think they are already protected
Do any of these 15 facts sound familiar to you or your family?
The only solution to these problems, if you are really interested in protecting yourself and your family, is to join the United Hebrew Community of New York.
UNITED HEBREW COMMUNITY OF NEW YORK The Leading Jewish Burial Society in New York
You are never too young and never too old, never too smart and never too rich to join.
Do not delay; request your free, no-obligation quote today.
Become a Member of Our Family and Give Your Family Peace of Mind
We welcome societies, chevros, clubs, fraternities, synagogues, and any other Jewish group, its leadership, or members to work with us to first provide or even increase their own member’s burial benefits.

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Explore our available plans and choose the one that fits your needs.

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Join the more than 9,000 member families from all walks of life who want to save as much as $5,000.00 at the time of a funeral. Request your free, no obligation quote today.
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Learn more about Jewish funeral and mourning traditions.